Improve your Mindset in 3…2…1…

Anna C Johnson
3 min readFeb 15, 2021

3. Write Down THREE Things You Are Thankful For

Take 5 minutes to think about what you are thankful for: friends, family, employment, pets, hobbies… whatever makes you feel a little lighter and maybe even brings a smile to your face. Write down the top three things you are thankful for right now.

WHY: As the saying goes, what you focus on expands. Not only is this sage advice, but it’s also backed by science. Expressing gratitude has so many benefits: better sleep, improved relationships, reduction in depression and anxiety, and even rewiring our brains for the better (a type of neuroplasticity).

GO FURTHER: Take this a step further to reap additional benefits by making this a daily habit. You’ll rewire your brain towards being mindfully grateful every day. Set an alarm, make it part of your daily routine, whatever works for you as long as you are concentrating on what you are thankful for.

2. Write Down TWO Compliments About Yourself

For a moment, think about what you appreciate about yourself today — whether it’s something small like changing out of your pajamas, or big like finishing a work project or something you’ve been putting off. Write down two compliments about yourself. If you’re having a hard time, think about what a…



Anna C Johnson

Wisconsin-based freelance writer and blogger passionate about lifestyle, real estate, personal finance, and home/life organization.